Annawan, Illinois Weather by Month

Annawan is a small village located in Henry County, in the northwestern part of Illinois, United States. Nestled in the heart of the Midwest, Annawan is characterized by its rich agricultural heritage, serene rural landscapes, and close-knit community. The village is situated approximately 40 miles southeast of the Quad Cities and 150 miles west of Chicago, making it accessible yet pleasantly secluded.

Annawan covers an area of about 1.3 square miles and has a population of around 900 residents. The local economy is primarily driven by agriculture, with many farms producing corn, soybeans, and other crops typical of the Midwest. Small businesses and local services also play an essential role in supporting the community.

While Annawan does not host any major universities or famous companies, it is known for its historical significance and community spirit. One notable landmark is the Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park, which offers recreational opportunities such as hiking, biking, fishing, and boating. The park is a beloved local attraction and a significant part of the region’s history. Additionally, the Annawan Community Center and various local churches serve as hubs for social and cultural activities.

Climate and Weather Overview

Annawan, Illinois, experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. The area receives a significant amount of precipitation throughout the year and enjoys a considerable number of sunny days. Below is a table detailing the average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month.

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 14 – 33 1.5 16
February 18 – 37 1.6 16
March 28 – 50 2.4 18
April 39 – 62 3.6 20
May 49 – 73 4.1 21
June 59 – 82 4.5 23
July 64 – 86 4.1 26
August 62 – 84 4.1 25
September 53 – 77 3.3 22
October 42 – 65 2.7 20
November 31 – 50 2.7 17
December 20 – 37 1.9 16


January in Annawan is typically the coldest month of the year. Average temperatures range from 14°F at night to 33°F during the day. Precipitation is relatively low, with an average of 1.5 inches, primarily in the form of snow. The month usually has about 16 sunny days, providing a crisp and clear winter atmosphere.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Visiting local museums and historical sites.
  • Outside Activities: Snowshoeing, ice fishing, and cross-country skiing in the Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park.


February sees slightly warmer temperatures, ranging from 18°F to 37°F. Precipitation averages 1.6 inches. The number of sunny days remains at about 16, indicating continued cold but slightly improving weather conditions.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Participating in indoor community events and workshops.
  • Outside Activities: Exploring local trails and enjoying winter sports.


March marks the beginning of spring, with temperatures ranging from 28°F to 50°F. Precipitation increases to 2.4 inches, and there are around 18 sunny days. This month is known for its variable weather, with both snow and mild days.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Visiting local art galleries and community centers.
  • Outside Activities: Early spring hiking and bird watching.


April continues the warming trend with temperatures between 39°F and 62°F. Rainfall increases significantly to 3.6 inches, and there are about 20 sunny days. The weather is typically pleasant, making it a great time for outdoor activities.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Enjoying performances at local theaters.
  • Outside Activities: Gardening, hiking, and visiting botanical gardens.


May brings warmer temperatures, with averages ranging from 49°F to 73°F. Rainfall averages 4.1 inches, and there are approximately 21 sunny days. The weather is generally warm, making it ideal for outdoor exploration.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Attending local art exhibitions and community events.
  • Outside Activities: Fishing, biking, and attending outdoor concerts.


June marks the start of summer, with temperatures climbing from 59°F to 82°F. Rainfall averages 4.5 inches, and there are about 23 sunny days. The weather is typically warm and pleasant.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Exploring local libraries and cultural centers.
  • Outside Activities: Swimming, hiking, and enjoying water sports.


July is the warmest month, with temperatures ranging from 64°F to 86°F. Rainfall averages 4.1 inches, and the month has about 26 sunny days. The heat is usually moderate, making it ideal for a variety of outdoor activities.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Visiting air-conditioned museums and local shops.
  • Outside Activities: Camping, fishing, and attending local festivals.


August remains warm, with temperatures from 62°F to 84°F. Rainfall averages 4.1 inches, and there are about 25 sunny days. The summer heat persists, making it a great time for outdoor fun.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Participating in indoor recreational activities.
  • Outside Activities: Canoeing, hiking, and visiting local parks.


September sees a slight drop in temperatures, ranging from 53°F to 77°F. Rainfall decreases to 3.3 inches, and there are around 22 sunny days. The weather begins to cool slightly, making outdoor activities more comfortable.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Attending indoor craft fairs and community workshops.
  • Outside Activities: Enjoying fall foliage, fishing, and hiking.


October is characterized by cooler temperatures between 42°F and 65°F. Rainfall averages 2.7 inches, and there are about 20 sunny days. The cooler temperatures and colorful fall scenery make it a perfect month for outdoor activities.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Exploring local history museums and attending community events.
  • Outside Activities: Pumpkin picking, hiking, and attending outdoor markets.


November brings cooler weather, with temperatures from 31°F to 50°F. Rainfall averages 2.7 inches, and there are approximately 17 sunny days. The cooler temperatures and lower humidity make it a pleasant time for outdoor activities.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Visiting historical landmarks and indoor craft fairs.
  • Outside Activities: Hiking and enjoying autumn scenery in nearby parks.


December sees temperatures ranging from 20°F to 37°F. Rainfall is relatively low at 1.9 inches, and there are about 16 sunny days. The weather is generally cold, with occasional snow.

Recommended Activities

  • Inside Activities: Celebrating holidays with indoor events and community gatherings.
  • Outside Activities: Attending holiday markets and light displays.

Natural Disasters

Annawan, Illinois, experiences a variety of weather conditions throughout the year, including the potential for natural disasters. These include:

  • Flooding: Heavy rains, particularly during the spring and early summer, can lead to localized flooding, especially in low-lying areas.
  • Snowstorms: Winter months, particularly January and February, can experience significant snowfall, leading to road closures and power outages.
  • Heatwaves: July and August can experience extreme heat, requiring precautions for heat-related illnesses.
  • Tornadoes: The region is part of Tornado Alley, so tornadoes can occur, particularly in the spring and early summer.

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